onsdag 23. mars 2011

Jeg har blitt utfordret! - I have been challenged!

Jeg har blitt utfordret til å blogge om arbeidskroken der smykkene blir til samt gjerne å vise litt av hvordan jeg lagrer materialene.
Det er ikke så fancy og jeg innrømmer å ha ryddet masse... her er det:

I have been challenged to blog about my work space where I make my jewelry and show some from my material storage. Nothing fancy and I admid that I have tidy up a lot.... here it is:

Her er selve arbeidskroken. Her har jeg og tilbehøret lagret.
Here are the work corner. Here I also got the findings.
Til venstre for arbeidskroken.
Her legger jeg smykker som jeg holder på med.
To the left for my work corner.
Where I put the jewelry that I am working on.

Her oppbevarer jeg alt unntatt ørekoker, kjeder og annet tilbehør.
Til høyre i bildet ser du litt av min dagslyslampe.
Here I keep all exept the findings.
To the right in the picture you see a tiny bit of my daylight lamp.
Her oppbevarer jeg lim, verktøy og her pakker jeg ordrene.
Here i keep my glue and tool. And here is also where I pack the orders.

33 kommentarer:

  1. awesome and organized. great workspace!

  2. Så fin krok du har da:) Koselig og ikke minst ryddig og oversiktlig:)

  3. Thanks! It looks not so organized at the every day basis... I tend to make a lot of clutter. :)

    Takk for det Anita! Det er ikke så ryddig til vanlig. Vanligvis er det så vidt man ser arbeidsbenkene. Hehe. :)

  4. I admire your organization, Im sure it helps get your projects done.

  5. Super organized and neat, well done!

  6. You have a lovely, well-organized workspace!

  7. LOVE all your storage! It's so neat and tidy. I can only dream of a space like that.

  8. It's so well organized. Great!

  9. great space! and lots of organization.

  10. Great!!! All this boxes and container are perfect!!!

  11. I am jealous of those containers! Nice and neat!

  12. A great space! It looks very organized!

  13. Looks good! More organized than I am!

  14. Now, that is mind kind of work space. Love it, looks great!!!

  15. Looks like you've put some thought into your space. Mine simply evolved and not necessarily for the better.

  16. Looks good...you certainly have lots of great storage!

  17. Thank you for all the lovely comments! :)

    Thank you for all the comments about my storage. My office/studio are 12 square meter. And I have high shelves that reach almost to the ceiling. To get the most out of my space. And it works very well. :)

  18. I love how you have a place for everything! I want to have many many shelves and boxes too one day!:))

  19. Absolutley beautiful. Wish I had your set up.

  20. Your space is wonderful, Lissie. I really love the curved flat surface - lots of room to create!

  21. You have a well organized space.

  22. You are very organized for a small space! Very nice Lissie!

  23. so neat and tidy! I am inspired to clean up my space :o)

  24. I really love the drawers you have in the last photo, they seem so useful!

  25. Looks nice. I love that you have a color wheel at your station.

  26. so neat and organized. Thanks for sharing.

  27. I LOVE the cabinet in your last picture! Beautiful workspace and well organized :)

  28. Such an organized space! I really like your cabinets :)

  29. Thank you all for your heart warming comments! :)

    Charlie: The Cabinet on the last picture is from IKEA. If you want to check it out. :)


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Thank you for your comment. :D

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